Tussen 6 juni en 19 juni 2017 was ik actief vanuit Israël met de roepletters 4X/PA7DA met o.a. JT65 op HF, maar ook op 6 meter, vanuit KM72RR en later vanuit het vak KM71JW


Veel van deze verbindingen zijn gemaakt met de mode JT65. Zoals we weten is het gebruiken van JT65 gebonden aan de grens van 13 tekens, waardoor tijdens de uitzendingen van JT65 de tekens 4X/ voor mijn roepletters zijn verwijderd. Om het log compleet te maken, vraag ik je vriendelijk om je Log compleet te maken door mijn roepletters aan te vullen met 4X/.

In het volgende document vindt je de bewuste verbindingen met WW-locator en de totale afstand van de verbinding. Dit document is aangevuld met de verbindingen gemaakt op voornamelijk 20 meter.

De QSL-kaarten zijn al gedrukt en liggen klaar om via het QSL-bureau te verzenden. Ook zijn de verbindingen verwerkt in LOTW.

Hartelijk dank voor de medewerking!



Between June 6 and June 19, 2017, I was active from Israel as 4X / PA7DA  often using the mode JT65 on HF, but also on 6 meters from KM72RR and later from the KM71JW

Many of these connections are made with the mode JT65. As we know, using JT65 is bound to the 13-character limit, so that during the broadcasts of JT65 the characters 4X / for my callsign have been deleted. To complete the log, I kindly ask you to complete your Log by completing my call letters with 4X /.

In the following document you will find the aware connections with WW locator and the total distance of the connection. In the second part of the document all stations worked on HF, mainly on 20 meters.

The QSL cards are already printed and are ready to send through the QSL desk. Also, the connections are processed in LOTW.

Thank you for your cooperation!

73, s



At the 2nd of June the group with Luc PA9LUC, Cor van Duin, Frans PA3CGJ and Jaap PA7DA went by ELAL to Israel. From the airport we travelled by car in about a half an hour to Rishon LeZion KM71JW to stay for one week at Lisa’s rental home. We had a great stay over there with visits and tours to Jaffo/Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ein Gedi at the Dead Sea and a long desert trip into the Negev. There were two good openings on 6 meters Several QSO’s are made into Europe and special into Denmark, Germany and Poland. Frans PA3CGJ did operate a RX station on 4 meters and did log several stations. Luc PA9LUC was mainly operating HF. Antenna’s used were the 2 elements LFA Quad, a 4 meters Deltaloop, 24 el 2 meters Rope Yagi and a LW for HF. The complaints about very bad condx on all bands because of Au propagation. After this period we went to Sharona KM72RR via a long tour via the Jordan valley. During this trip we visit the Israel site of Bethany and later the Beit She'an National Park with many excavations. After arriving in Sharona we did build directly our antennas and now also a Deltaloop for 6 meters. By rebuilding the Rope Yagi we did have this time to many problems. Next time we transport to Israel a normal Yagi antenna for 2 meters. Also this time condx were often no good with two good openings on 6 meters.  But we made a contact with PA (PA3GND). We made nice trips to Akko, Golan Heights (Gamla, Nimrod), Capernaum, Tabga, Mount Beatitudes, Crusader castle Belvoir, Tiberias and more interesting places. Problem by all this trips was that we did miss on good opening on 6 meters.


Later on this page we will show you several pictures made during this visit to Israel.

We thank Dovid 4Z4DP to use his antenna, Mark 4Z4KX for his friendly visits and the IARC Tel Aviv members to meet us at their Betta Caffee.